As a tool, Hiilennielu uses continuous cover forestry based on the natural regeneration of forests. This kind of forestry maintains forest cover in the forests we own and minimises clear felling. In continuous cover forestry, felling is done as thinning from above: economically mature trees are harvested, thus providing smaller trees with room to grow.
Hiilennielu jointly owned forest, established in 2019, includes forest estates in in North Ostrobothnia, Kainuu, North and South Savo, Central Finland, and Lapland. The total area of the forests and peatlands owned by Hiilennielu is over 3000 hectares. Hiilennielu´s main operating areas are forestry and timber sales.
The founders of Hiilennielu are Timo Kujala, CEO of Forestor Oy and one of the largest private forest owners in Finland, and Juha Hulkko, known for his role as a founder and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the IT company Elektrobit.
In forest acquisition, forestry and felling, the Hiilennielu jointly owned forest cooperates closely with the forest service company Arvometsä and other forest service companies specialised in continuous cover forestry. In the optimisation of carbon sequestration and forest management, Hiilennielu cooperates with the University of Eastern Finland. Hiilennielu restores peatland ecosystems and improves biodiversity together with Natural Resources Institute Finland’s experts. Hiilennielu’s founding members participate actively in dialogue on forestry, carbon sinks and climate change in society.

Yhteismetsä Hiilennielu
Matosaarentie 15, 00850 Helsinki
Timo Kujala
0400 100 670
Yhteismetsä Hiilennielu on vastuullinen, tuottava ja vaivaton tapa omistaa, kasvattaa ja hyödyntää metsää. Hiilennielun toimintamalli on perinteistä suomalaista metsien kasvatustapaa kannattavampaa ja se tukee ilmastonmuutoksen hillintää, kasvattaa luonnollisia hiilinieluja ja ylläpitää ainutlaatuisen luontomme monimuotoisuutta.
Yhteismetsä Hiilennielu
Matosaarentie 15
00850 Helsinki
Timo Kujala
0400 100 670